Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Like a run on sentence

Life sort of feels like a run on sentence lately. We have been going non stop for at least a week now. I have gotten so far behind that I'm posting all of the pictures at once and I will do my best to keep it from getting to wordy.
We think in the last week we have been with the Suttons for just about every day for at least a little while. Monday, the kids and I were with Ashley and Andrea from 8:30 until 8. It was Ashley's birthday and we did it up right! We spent most of our day at the Children's Museum. It was so fun!

He didn't want to stand by Miles (Bronco's Mascot) because he is a Steelers fan, but he did enjoy listening to the book Miles read.

Ellis said the fire truck was his favorite...

then he said the tools were his favorite....

Alaire said painting was her favorite....

and then Ellis changed his mind again and said the grocery store and restaurant were his favorite. I think it was all fun!

That morning we surprised Ashley with a dozen donuts and a "lovely" rendition of "Happy Birthday."

Random...... Alaire likes to wear random outfits.

We have played and played with Ashley. This night it was Wii boxing.... funny.

Not funny= Ellis and Ashley crying because at one time or another they weren't winning golf.

Funny #2= David trying to help Alaire swing the golf club but actually swinging her in the air.

Serious 4 wheel driver.

Someone loves chocolate chip cookies!

Someone else does too!

Following in her brother's footsteps... eating salsa with a spoon.

Another random outfit. She was a pink princess ballerina this time..... with a glove and a gun of course!


CatchingSomeZZzz said...

Hi, Cassie
I check in every once in awhile, clicking through the link Erin has on her blog over at Johnson Fam. It's always fun to see how your kids have changed and what you're up to. :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Best post ever!!!

oma said...

Children's Museums are GREAT.... always "hands on" fun things to DO!
Love Alaire's outfits!
What?! Ellis is STILL a Steelers fan? This has to be addressed and corrected! (Yeah! Good luck with that!)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Alaire reminds me so much of Maria Lucking!

Andrea said...

I must have missed the post about Alaire's hair cut...I love her new little bob!