Sunday, March 07, 2010

WV and OH week 1

It has been a crazy week here. I am not even going to begin to guess what days we did what and where. All of these pictures are completely out of order and the ones with the kids in them happened in about a two day span.

If you haven't noticed yet we are home for a visit. Aunt Sarah Beth is in the hospital again and she had requested a visit from her favorite cousin, so I obliged. :) We flew in last Saturday and all of us went straight to Huntington. We stayed for a couple of days and then Em and I drove the kids back to Cincy. Mom came home the next day and took over kid camp and Em and I headed back to WV.

Emmy and I got to spend lots of time with SB. Each day was different. At times she is very sleepy but we did get some time to reminisce (as she called it.) We talked about what dorks we were when we were younger and how cool we thought we were. There is one picture in here of Sarah Beth and her family and then another one of "The Inner Circle." When I asked her if we could take the picture she looked and me like I was crazy and said, "Well of course you can take a picture. Why would you even ask me that." Being that "The Inner Circle" was reunited meant that Alaire got some fun play time with Gracie. Gracie is Julie's (the other member of T.I.C.) daughter and she and Alaire were born on the same day!

I'm not sure what the kids did while we were gone but you can check mom's blog for that. When we got home we celbrated Dad's b-day, collected money from Michael's paper route, played lots of Wii and Em and I have now made two new dresses for Alaire and we are working on 2 more.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time! I'm so glad you get to spend this time with SB! Enjoy it!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh and what fun we have had. Never a dull momnet...even atrip for Alaire to the ER. She's fine but her big fat lip looks gross...she took a dive off the couch or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Love the dresses...bubby looks huge! Miss you guys!

Erin said...

I LOVE that strawberry sundress!!

Leslie said...

I love the pics! I had to enlarge each one and see the details; absolutely precious!
Keep it up