Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentines Party

The kids and I hosted a Valentines party this morning for a few of their friends and mommy's. I had so much fun planning all of the stuff we did. Trevor and I were laughing the day before because I would never want to have a group of adults over for a party but I loved putting together all of the fun for the kids. Our guests arrived and we got right to the partying, we needed just about every minute of the morning to get everything done.

First we decorated cupcakes, then we made wax paper and crayon heart garland for our kitchen windows. After a little play time and cleanup we ate heart pizza for lunch and taste tested the cupcakes. Finally, we used our leftover crayons to melt into pink and red heart crayons for each child to take home.

Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures at the party. (There was a lot going on!) I did have to get this shot of Ashley though, she had dolled herself up very nicely in all of Alaire's dress-up clothes and was so happy to stand by the cupcakes for a nice pose.


0ma said...

From those high wattage smiles.....looks like everyone had a great time! Way to go Cassie!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Yea pictures! They are great. I love the table centerpiece. Emmy will be so proud. Where did you get so maky cake plates. And Peeps thing on top...nice topper.
As for all the smiles...looks lke those kids, oncluding Ellis are thrilled to have a day of fun. I can hear lots of giggles in the background. I'm not letting Michael se these. He wants to have a birthday party for Ella complete with a bone pinata. Maybe you all could go into business together as party planners.

maren said...

Super cute idea... and pictures! :o) Look how cute and crafty you are!!!

O'Pa said...

Could you come and have a party at our house? You have two days to get here! Looks like fun and tasty, too. Love Ya! O'Pa

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