Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cookies with Nana Kelli

Nana Kelli invited us over this morning to make Christmas cookies together. Ellis and Alaire both loved it. Kelli had all of the cookeis and green and red icing made and tons of different kinds of decorating things, she even brought out the pink sprinkles in honor of Alaire.

Nana is seriously the next best thing to having a Wammy or Oma down the street. She lets you stick your slobbery fingers in the icing, pile sprinkle upon sprinkle on top of your cookies, and eat as many cookies as you want BEFORE you eat lunch!

After the cookie decorating she treated us all to Chick-fil-a. What a special treat!! Thanks Nana, we are so thankful for you and Steve and for ALL that you have done and do for us. We love you like a real Nana and Papaw!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had tons of fun! I know my mom really enjoyed it...wish we were there!

oma said...

Everyone could use more Nana's and Wammy's and Oma's in their lives! It is amazing how love works.... you always have room in your heart to love someone else. Isn't God awesome!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm just a little jealous...we can't have anything thing that even resembles anything pink at our house. Michael would have a hissy fit! Thanks Nana Kelli for making memories with 'our' grandkids. That is so very special.