Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Shopping

We did our sibling Christmas shopping today. Ellis and Alaire have been saving up their chore money for quite some time now. They both made it to the Dollar General with about $10. (I may have spiked their bags with a few extra quarters... but it was all in the spirit of giving.

Ellis purchased a gift for Alaire and a gift for me. On the ride home from the store he told me, "Mom I'm not telling you what I got you but you don't need to ask Santa for any chapstick!"

Alaire purchased a gift for Ellis and a gift for Daddy. At first she told me she wanted to get Bubby a Lightening McQueen plastic plate but finally decided on a motorcycle, race car and tiny skateboard.... she knows her brother well!
Trevor got a lint brush. I don't know what she thinks it is but I knew he would use it so we just went for it...... it's the thought that counts right!

When we got home one of them hid in the playroom while the other wrapped the gifts in the living room. They were so cute when they came out and saw their gifts under the tree.

I just worry that we may have done this a little early, I think Ellis has asked me about 25 time if we can open our presents. I can't wait for Christmas morning!!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Too sweet! I love how they are holding hands in the first pic. And such special gifts. I remember the year that Michael got his preschool teacher a box of stick butter.

oma said...

It is so special that they used money they earned themselves doing chores. Love your tree and the smiles on the faces of those two under the tree!

The Shellabys said...

That is so special! What a wonderful way to teach them about giving! Isn't it cute what the decided to pick out at that age? A lintroller might be one of the best ones I've heard!

Holly said...

I hadn't even thought about sibling gifts, but such a fun idea. If they could ever keep it a secret! I love the lent brush idea. It will be a memory maker.