Thursday, November 19, 2009

WV short trip

We got to make a special trip to Wammy and Pappy's house this week. My Junior year of High School Em and I had a good friend who was an exchange student from Brazil. Andrea got to come back to the States last week for a business trip so when she finished up she flew to Cincy and stayed for a few more days.

I didn't get to see her for very long but we caught up on as much as we could. She came with tons of gifts for all of us. Alaire loved her new night gown and purse.

After saying our good byes to Andrea we made our way to WV for a quick 2 day trip.

There was lots of goofing around with Peep, Mamaw and Papaw. Here they are with Peep making their silly faces.

We got to have lunch with Aunt Sarah Beth.

Making her Christmas list with Pap.

Their WV tradition is to go to Jolly Pirates dounts in their PJ's with Auntie Em. Alaire didn't make it in her pj's this time. I will spare you the details but just know that she had a lot to eat the night before.

More to come I'm sure, we are here until Sunday.


Holly said...

fun! We are home to at my parents house in GA. It is so nice huh? Have fun in WV. Such a beautiful place.

oma said...

Good to see you are having such a great time with your family! We are anxious to see you next week in Colorado! Enjoy the rest of your time and have a safe trip home!

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is happy & having fun! Miss you guys!


Anonymous said...

Cass... I had such a great time. Glad to see how beautiful your family is, hopefully next time you get to meet Ramiro and I get to meet Travis... It would be cool. I am soooo happy Alaire loved her pretties... And Ellis his basketball shirt... Hope to see you soon again... Love, Andrea.

Anonymous said...

Sorry... it's Trevor...Andrea