Friday, November 13, 2009

Super Bowl Party

Last Monday we had a Super Bowl party at our house. I realize (unlike my sister) that it wasn't the actual Super Bowl but it may as well have been at our house. Trevor is a huge Broncos fan and I have said before that Ellis has decided that this season he is a Steelers fan??.

The two teams played on Monday so we really did it up right. Everyone got dressed in their team attire, we had an artichoke dip appetizer, ate dinner in the living room, we ALL GOT TO DRINK PEPSI, and Trevor and the kids decorated with posters and trophies.

Ellis even insisted that we hand the Broncos helmet on the wall.

They went to bed at halftime and we told them that it was a tie. Ellis had said our prayer at dinner time and he even prayed for the game. We didn't have the heart to tell him that the Broncos were going to lose, he would've been so sad for his daddy.


Anonymous said...

I read it out loud...people looked at me funny?!? Dad sort of insisted the helmet be hung to!


Andrea said...

So cute! The pic of Ellis posing with the football is priceless...

And, on a separate note, I think he's cute no matter what, but he would definitely look tough with a buzzed head. =)

Anonymous said...

Love it! So much fun...something they will remember for sure! Happy Birthday Ellis, today!

The Shellabys said...

That is so cute! You are such a good mom! :)

maren said...

Can you guys be any cuter?! What a fun idea - love it!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Are you kidding me..Emmy really didn't know it wasn't the actual Super Bowl. Crack me up! She needs to get out more. Looks like fun to me. How did the dip turn out? I love that stuff.

katy said...

You all are so cute! I love how you turn something simple like football into a fun night and even get the snacks ready! :) We were watching the game too. (Well, Mike was and I was sitting next to him reading Sense and Sensibility.) It was back and forth there for a while! So funny that Ellis is a Steelers fan right now. I bet he changes his mind when someone else wins the Super Bowl. :)

oma & opa said...

Boohoo! Opa is so sad that the Broncos lost! [We had a 1st half party... (kinda)... that night, too. We had our youth minister and his wife over.... had brownies, popcorn and pizza rolls ... and they left at halftime...the game didn't start until 8:30 and it was after 10 pm here at the half. Lauren had an early class Tues.]
You are always coming up with "fun" family-time ideas that are simple to do! Love it! You can tell the 4 of you loved it, too!

Holly said...

What a fun idea...then they will actually enjoy watching the game (sort of). We will have to do that with a KU game cause the girls are into the jayhawks! Intersting how Ellis is a steelers fan. Is it just cause of the shirt?