Monday, November 09, 2009

Scooters to the Skate Park.

Now that Ellis has his new scooter he has been dying to take it to the skate park and try it out. We went on Sunday night and he had so much fun!!

Alaire did a little less riding than her Bubby did but she still thought it was great. She later told me that night the she wants a pink skate park in the backyard. She is so funny. She like race cars and boyish type stuff but she always wants it to be pink.

(Yes, she has a helmet we just forgot it.)

Ellis did really well. We wondered how hard it would be for him to ride it on the bigger ramps. He could do the smaller one on his own but for these larger ones Trevor and I held the back of his jacket in case he was going to bite the dust. He did have one big fall but Trevor said he kept saying, "I'm okay Dad. I just need you to rub it. I'm okay."


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I think they are bound to perform in the circus. Uncle Terry always wanted to do that. Maybe they can live his dream.

oma said...

What a couple of dare-devils! They know no fear! That's a good thing and a bad thing! lol Hope it turns out to be mostly a good thing.... for your sakes!!!!

Holly said...

He is amazing..I love his risky spirit. Anna would be with Alaire on insisting it be pink!

Anonymous said...

Alaire unfortunately is like her Daddy & E. Is like his Mamma. Both are daring! And No I don't like pink!
