Friday, November 06, 2009

Ellis turns 4! (sorta)

Ellis will turn four on the 13th but that weekend is going to be crazy busy for us so we decided to celebrate a week early so that we could all enjoy the fun, so on last Thursday, as far as he is concerned he turned four.

He had a blast. I really think birthdays get more fun the older they get. We went to the store on Wednesday so that he could pick out his birthday cake and birthday breakfast. I assumed he would pick cinnamon rolls but he informed me once we were there that he would like, "those white donuts that Wammy eats." The funniest thing was that when we opened them he took one out and instructed us to take one as well and pass it to the next person, once he had finished his first one I passed the box back to him so that he could start in on his second and he said he was finished! ONE donut.....weirdo!!

After our 6 am breakfast he ran upstairs to get his clothes on because according to him it was time for his party. We let him go so that we could get out his scooter and a new Marvel t-shirt we had gotten him. When I called him back downstairs he was bummed until he hit the bottom stair and saw what was waiting for him.

I hate that this picture is blurry but the excitement it shows made it worth me posting!

It was so pretty outside we could have had his b-day at a park. Who would have thought November in CO could be 79 degrees??

We met 4 of his best buddies at Bounce Town for a jumping birthday bash. All of his friends are from church. This is Cade and Hannah.

I love this picture!

She was so excited for Ellis, that it was his birthday. I really didn't have to break up any fights until the toys came out.

He requested race car cupcakes that were all chocolate. If you are wondering, he said that the motorcycle won. He took the motorcycle and then sent the others home with his friends.

Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles was so funny. Throughout the entire song he acted as if he was so disappointed.?? Once we were finished singing I said, "blow them out" and his friend Cade did just that, so we had to have a second lighting for Ellis to blow.

This is the whole crew. Ashley, Daniel, Ellis, Hannah, Alaire, and Cade.

Alaire was caught in the act of opening but she was just as excited as Ellis was.

He loved his gifts!


The Shellabys said...

Looks like a really great bday! I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you guys! Ireland asked me if Ellis could come to her bday party... I had to tell her no and she said, "Well, I guess thats ok because boys don't really like tea parties... but I really do miss my friend, Ellis!"
Tell him Ireland sends her love and lots of happy bday wishes!

Holly said...

What a fun birthday! I love small parties with just a few friends cause they get so overwhelmed if it is huge! Are your kiddos fighting as well over the toys? haha! Ellie would probably like a marvel shirt as well.... very into superheroes these days!

oma said...

Sorry we missed his early 4th !! Sounds like and looks like he had a great time with all the fun gifts, food, and party!