Saturday, November 07, 2009

Ellis' first day of school

Ellis started preschool last Friday. I had struggled with the decision to send him or not and then just let it go as school got closer until eventually the 1st day of school just came and went. Then a few weeks ago we ran into a friend from church that said her daughter's class only had 6 kids in it and it was just one day a week. I called to find out more about it and then my Peep offered to pay for it so we jumped at the chance.

When I asked him if he would like to go he was ecstatic and was really hoping he could ride the school bus. Our church is held in that same school building and his Sunday School is actually in that classroom so he is very familiar with the room. The funniest thing was that for the week before going he told me he had to practice going to the bathroom without the toddler seat that attaches to the potty because he knew they didn't have those at school.

He had a great first day. The only thing the teacher said was that he was shy about eating snack with everyone else and he came to eat his once everyone else had finished. All that he could tell me about his first day was that they got to play outside and that they read a book about chickens that broke through a fence and bonked into a tree.

When we first go there he was of course a little timid but he just followed the lead of his sister. She brought her backpack along and was more than willing to put it in a cubby and sit down to trace the letters of "her name." Preschool can not come to soon for her. She is already telling me she is going to go to the pink class.... whatever that means??

I'm pretty sure he is planning on returning next Friday because today he woke up and asked me if it was a school day!


oma said...

One day a week sounds perfect! When does Alaire get to start? Big stuff!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

That's my boy! I am so glad he is having fun. And Alaire will be the leader in her class I am sure...that is when she finally gets to go. Love the pictures...he looks so big and so proud!

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Becca said...

oh my goodness,I can't believe Ellis is in preschool! I love the picture of the two at the table.