Friday, June 05, 2009

Wet... Really Wet!

We had so much fun this morning! I took the kids to a shopping area near our house that has fountains that you can run through. I didn't really plan on going there but by the time we were in the car heading to the library I decided that it was just to nice not to do something new and fun.

It took them a few minutes but they had a ball!

I'm sure it will come as no surprise as to how they each chose to go about their water fun. 

Ellis really had to think things through before he tried it out. He was sure to try to time everything and although he was very wet at times he would sit in the sun and, "dry off."

It is almost painful for me to watch him. He is so much like me that it is like I know exactly what is going through that little mind of his. 

Alaire on the other hand was........ you guessed it, everywhere. I can not tell you how many times I said, "Alaire you have to walk." I tried to show them how they could walk certain paths through the fountains that would get them wet but not soaked. Ellis studied my ideas thoroughly but Alaire couldn't stand that I was making her stand still for so long. She would walk straight through the water as it shot 15 feet into the air. 

They both rode home in just their undies. If it is warm on Monday we are definitely taking Daddy back!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I have always said that your kids might have more of the Ellis genes on the outside but Ellis is definately you and Alaire is most definately Trevor. I lvoe it...the best of both worlds!

Erin said...

Summer is so much fun! I love Alaire's face in the last one- like life just could NOT be any more joyful than that moment!

oma said...

Those fountains are great fun. So neat that you have one close to your house.

katy said...

Those are such cute pictures! I just watched your recent videos too, so cute! Alaire has such a sweet baby girl voice!

So funny about Alaire thinking that you and I look alike. :) I take that as a compliment too!