Friday, June 05, 2009

My Kiddos

Ellis and I have been watching old videos of him when he was younger. It has caused me to mourn all of the days that I have already forgotten. I just can't get over how fast they are growing. 

I have been trying to do a better job of taking videos and in the last few days I think I have gotten some funny ones! Until I am able to get those up you will have to enjoy the park pictures. 

Alaire has been insisting her shades as she calls them. I guess the helmet was just a finishing touch.

Ellis has been climbing this ladder at the park on his own for some time now, he just needs one of us to stand near by to give him an extra measure of courage. Last night we just told him he could and he tried it and was so excited!

If you are wondering, yes he almost always has his helmet on, because we are all most always going for a bike ride. He even wore it into a restaurant yesterday and it took me a few moments to figure out why everyone had such wide smiles as we entered. It has just become normal to me. 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Safety first is what I always say.

oma said...

Can't wait to see the videos!