Monday, May 11, 2009

Not her too!

Well I guess we can add this one to the list too. It seems Alaire has caught the grow up bug. 
We decided to try our luck with the toddler bed today. We left the crib up in her room just in case but judging by how her nap and bed time went today we can put that away whenever Trevor and I get around to it. That sweet little thing even slept right through the picture when I went up there to get a shot of my big girl.

Trevor had said this morning that Alaire was a little extra cuddly and he didn't think she was feeling well. She is finally getting the teeth on the bottom that I thought she would have months ago. She woke up from her nap with a fever and has had a runny nose and cough since yesterday. I guess the cold and two new teeth have done her in. I hope this is just a short one this time. I hate when they are sick, I just worry and worry and it seems there is nothing I can do to help.


oma said...

Such a big girl in her own toddler bed! Sorry she has such a rough time getting her teeth. It's awful feeling so helpless...but ... I'm sure you do a great job comforting her and being there for her. All Mom's worry when they see their children hurting.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh my, what a big girl! Seems like the teeth thing is going around..Allyson is geting a bunch too.

Anonymous said...

Sick kids are no fun! I hope she feels better soon. I can't believe she is already in the toddler bed. Crazy! They are growing up too fast...

katy said...

She looks so big sleeping in the toddler bed! How old is she now? Do you find toddler beds worth it (probably so, since you are using one!)? How long did Ellis sleep in his before transitioning to a regular size bed? I am beginning to think about all of these things for the future. :)

Erin said...

Oh, my goodness! She looks so big. I am not quite ready to take that step with Sam...mostly because it's nice to have him contained. :) I'm glad your transition was so easy!