Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tuesday with Daddy!

We have been so incredibly busy that I have not had time to blog at all. I've been choosing between blogging or downloading pictures to our grandmothers frames. The grandmothers always win out because mine will call if her frame doesn't have new pictures every morning.

The church closed the office on the Tuesday after Easter which I thought was an awesome gift to staff and their families. Trevor has Mondays off so we got two days in a row with dad! Tuesday was gorgeous so we hit the park early, ran a few errands, and then it was yard work time. We found a kid shovel and rake for the kids while we were out so they are now loving working in the yard with dad. I did another "home improvement" project while we were outside. As soon as I get a picture of it I will add it too, be sure to check back, it is ghetto fabulous!

** You may want to double click on that last picture of Alaire so that you can marvel with me at my first successful pony tail!!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

When I clicked on the last pic to see the pony tails...the first thing Dad sad was..."that's not a ponytail, it's a Wammytail."

I can't wait to see the yardwork.

oma said...

What a beautiful day and Ellis and Alaire are obviously having a ball!