Tuesday, January 06, 2009

What a blessing!

The Dango made another trip to the mechanic yesterday. We had made an appointment for it to go in on Tuesday to have a belt replaced that we had been saving up to fix. Our plan got a little tweaking when on Sunday after church I piled all of my stuff in and buckled the kids but the car wouldn't start, actually it wouldn't even make a noise. We ended up jumping it after naps and driving it straight into the shop. 

Today we got the call that it was finished so as soon as the kids woke up we all drove into town to drop a few extra hundred unplanned dollars on the Dango. We decided to go to Red Robin for dinner because it was already 5 p.m. and we knew that the kids wouldn't make it for the half hour home plus the half hour of dinner prep that we had ahead of us. 

Here is the fun part.....we ate and were getting ready to pay when our waitress came up and said to let her know if we needed anything else but that our bill had been paid for by the gentlemen in the hat. Trevor looked over and saw a member of our church. He paid for our whole dinner!! We went over to thank him and all he said was, "we have to take care of our ministers." I'm sure he has no idea how, "taken care of" we actually felt right then!


Anonymous said...

I love it when that happens...makes you feel truly appreciated!

Kendra White said...

mysterious ways.... consider that a wink from your maker!

sheltonfamily said...

Awesome....I hate car problems. Our VW is in the shop right now for the 3rd time this year. yuck. What a nice man and he had no idea what that meant for sure! Our kiddos are the same way to make them wait for dinner is awful. Miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Isn't is great how God takes care of us! I love it when a "God-thing" like that happens. It is such an encouragement. Sorry you had more car troubles and had to spend more money on the car than you had planned. That is such a bummer!

Erin said...

That's so neat. I love things like that, that are random and wonderful and show you that God gives good gifts...despite your car ickiness! I feel your pain on that one; whenever we drive past our mechanic Jack says, 'hey, there is the garage where Daddy keeps his car!'. Ha.

oodrea1221 said...

Thanks for sharing this Cassie! Our God is an awesome God and sometimes his people allow him to use them in mighty ways! LOVE the pic of Alair's ponytail! Too funny. You'll figure it out... you have time!

Anonymous said...

Well, If it was me, I would go back to that Red Robin place everyday from now on.

Anonymous said...

new post please! Aren't you on vacation? Tons of time hello?!?
