Saturday, January 31, 2009

More "Documentation"

Unfortunately we have a little more happening around here that needs documenting. Ellis woke up at 4 a.m. asking for a bowl. He ended up in our bed for the rest of the night. When he wasn't puking or sitting on the toilet he was asleep on my chest. Poor thing just cried and cried he felt so sick. All I could think of was how when Im sick to this day all I want is my mom. Six a.m. hit and he was ready for the day, back to normal.

Fast forward to 8:30 I'm hanging out with Ellis while he is watching cartoons and I start to wonder, is this good or bad. Alaire has never slept a minute in her life past 7 a.m. I think I would consider my child happy in her bed with crusted puke all over bad.... yeah, she was happy but I'm still going to go with very bad. My husband has become an absolute pro at changing dirty bed sheets.

After baths and a very hesitant mom feeding her children breakfast we headed to the Dr. office. They were happy as clams. The doctor said the likely have Rotavirus (a stomach bug) and sometimes it can be cyclical like it seems to be with them; they can feel sick for a while but once their system gets it out they feel fine for a few days and then it all starts up again.

This is become a winter to remember. I have just been humbled. Alaire's streak was no where near as long as Ellis'. She made it 1 year 3 months and 16 days.


The Pavliches said...

i hate it when they are sick!! no fun, especially in the middle of the night...a nightmare indeed. love yall

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. The last time Camdyn had the pukes she had it like that. She would puke once and then be fine and then about three days later it would happen again. It lasted for about a week and she was done. Hopefully they will both be done now!

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for you and no family near by to give you some support and relief when you need it! Hope they are all better soon!

Anonymous said...



Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Oh, that's awful! I hate when my kids are sick, especially puking. I hope they're better!

Kathy said...

bless your heart! i still hold very vivid memories of my daughter and her rotavirus at age 3...(she's 9 now!)
It is cyclic...just when u think ur done it starts all over. she had it when andrew was born so that was horrid. i was more worried about her being hospitalized than mynewborn baby! hang in there.