Friday, January 30, 2009

Finally Outside!

It was finally warm enough to go outside and play today. I can tell we are really going to have fun this summer. Alaire can walk around the yard now without me have to hang on to her or carry her. They had tons of fun on the swing set.

After the backyard we moved to the front and got out Ellis' bike. I thought this might be a little more challenging because the last time he rode it outside he got really frustrated because he was unable to peddle. I really wasn't looking forward to keeping Alaire out of the street and pushing Ellis up and down the sidewalk. We gave it a shot anyway and again I was surprised at how much they have developed in the time that has passed this winter. 

Alaire didn't even try the street, she was perfectly content walking up and down the sidewalk and Ellis only needed a push to get started and then help turning around. I will say it again, I'm really starting to look forward to this summer!

P.S. How funny is it that we are playing outside in CO and my family in Cincy has had a week full of snow days, one of which dad couldn't even get out of the driveway to get to work. I think we flew home just in time!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I am soooo jealous! I have two layers on and my nose is cold. And for me to be must be cold. I ventured a look outside today...still looks cold but I think I can see something that looks like a street out front. But we are in the running for more snow next week.

They looks o big. So, when is Alaire getting her CHIPS motorcycle?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe it yesterday when he peddaled up! And Alaire will almost be 2 this summer probably be talking good?!? Should be so much fun!
