Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nativity and a Photo Shoot

We made a Nativity scene out of scrap paper last night and hung it up on the kitchen wall. Ellis and Trevor both had a blast doing it. I was a bit artistically challenged so I corralled Alaire most of the time and kept her away from the masterpiece. 

Here is the little lady in Christmas photo shoot #3. This dress wasn't my favorite on the hanger but once I put it on her I just couldn't get enough....it may be my favorite so far! 

There is only one outfit left and it will appear soon so that Auntie Em can see them all.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks like Michael has been at your house.

Anonymous said...

What did you do to her? she looks drugged!

Anonymous said...

This dress reminds me of Annie!! Now you guys just need to get Sandy for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Loved the nativity...a special memory to share with Ellis. Alaire is just adorable in her red dress!

Anonymous said...

where you come from!