Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Winter is here

Ellis helped Trevor put up our Christmas lights a few days ago. He took the pliers out from the tool set that he got for his birthday and told Trevor he would be the cutter. As you can see he had quite a reach.

We had our first snow last week. Ellis was so excited, he has been waiting and waiting to go out and play in the snow. He wanted to make a snow man but the snow just wasn't wet enough. Trevor attempted explaining that it had to be a wet snow in order pack it really well. He came right back with, "well Dad lets just get our sprinkler out and wet it."

This was Alaire's first time to play in the snow. I think she really liked it. She wasn't really a big fan of getting all of the clothes on but she did like sitting in it and walking around in her boots. 

If you look closely in the picture you can see her 4 top teeth that are almost in.


Anonymous said...

she is going to kill you when she get older for posting that picture. We really need to work on her clothing choices!!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

What is anonymous talking about...I remember some of her fashion choices!

I think you should let Ellis decorate one of the little trees. With all those cool new tools it is hard telling what he could so. Can't wait to see the lights at night.