Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What we have been up to

Wammy got a web cam for her birthday this year and Ellis and Alaire have loved the fun they can have showing her all of their tricks and new birthday toys. Tonight we even got to talk to Michael. He was sick today so I told him not to get to close to the computer because we didn't want to get sick. He assured me that there was nothing to worry about, " because you can't get sick through the electricity!" 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

And please take good care of your biscuits....

Kathy said...

how adorable!

Anonymous said...

Enlighten me... We're thinking of getting my parents a webcam for x-mas b/c we live in a different town... How do they work? Do you have to do or get anything special?

Anonymous said...

I just wish our i-chat worked out here at the parsonage! It is a total bummer to have something like this on our computer and not be able to use it because our provider is too slow!