Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Likes and Dislikes

In honor of Ellis' 3rd Birthday tomorrow I thought I would do a list of all of the stuff he really likes right now and the stuff he would rather just forget about. I'll be doing the same for Alaire just for fun. 
On a complete side note. I loved this picture I got of him tonight. He was telling me that when he turns 3 he can step up on the handle because he will be big. Check out those shoes, they are hand me downs that he found in Alaire's closet. They are full of pink but he said it didn't matter because they are comfortable....yeah, we will probably be hiding those until Alaire turns 3.

Ellis likes:
  • Ketchup packets :)
  • instruments
  • root beer 
  • "boys night"
  • shoes on at all times
  • skateboards
  • Chick-fil-a
  • Daddy's iphone
Ellis dislikes:
  • getting his hair combed
  • anything that draws attention to him
  • riding in Daddy's car, he says it sits to low and he can't see out the window
  • getting woken up
  • eating (unless it is bread with butter)
  • when it's Mommy or Daddy's day to pick his clothes out
Alaire likes:
  • stealing her brother's juice cup
  • singing 
  • people, the more the better!
  • mandarin oranges
  • her wankies
  • baby dolls
  • the bath tub
  • dogs
  • her kitty cat book
Alaire dislikes:
  • getting her diaper changed
  • being contained
  • her car seat (see above)
  • loud noises
  • being told that she can't walk down the stairs
  • napping in the car


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Just don't let
Uncle Bryce see those shoes. Love the list thing I laughted all the way thru it!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe he is 3! How fun! I wish I could be there for the "dress up" party on Sunday! Those shoes are pretty stylish I am sure...he's always been one for fashion!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY bug!!!!!! uummmm... you forgot one thing he likes you probably forgot because he does not like it, he loves it A LOT!!! AUNTIE EM! haha hope you have a GREAT day!

Anonymous said...

We were almost glad we weren't home when you called us back tonight...this way we have Ellis on our answering machine and can hear his message whenever we want! His voice is soooo cute and so was his message! Hope he had a terrific 3rd birthday!!!!!

Kendra White said...

john hunter always has to have his shoes on.. whats up with that. Oh wait... I do too! What a cutie! I love reading about Ellis to see where JH will be in a year????