Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween at Pumpkin Patch

Our church had it's annual Pumpkin Patch last night. There was so much stuff to do that we didn't even have time to do it all. Outside they had a hot air balloon, bonfire, hay rides, and laser tag, all of which Ellis loved! (He didn't do laser tag, we will save that for a couple of years.)

Ellis went dressed as a Skateboarder and Alaire just went as cute. Their costumes would have been awesome for any other normal Colorado Halloween (freezing) but last night I was on a hay ride at 8 p.m. in a short sleeve shirt! I also knew what would be at the church for them to do and the thought of them (or shall we say, Trevor and I) taking their costumes on and off for every activity was exhausting to me. It was nice that we had already been wearing our costumes all week long.

Inside there was a candy lane where they decorated an entire hallway and had costumed volunteers handing out candy. Ellis knew every person that was handing out the candy and still he buried his teary eyes in Trevor's shoulder our first trip through. On the second trip the only ones he wanted to pass up were the Star Wars characters. He was even willing to stop and get his picture with our buddies Amanda (Trevor's Ministry Assistant) and her husband Bernie (the real life Fire Fighter.)

The lobby had a live band, tons of raffles and food and Alaire's favorite activity of the night, atoddler size bounce house. Ellis really liked it too, but it was more for early walkers.

They had even more huge bouncey things in the gym for bigger kids that we really didn't even get a look at those. We will save that for the years to come.

We spent most of our time in the Fellowship Center where there were tons of Carnival type games set up. After each one they played they got to pick a prize. We now have enough spider rings to supply each finger of the entire family. We were having so much fun that I didn't get even one picture.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

WOW! Is there anything your church doesn't do! What a great time. Holy Cow. Your kids are going to be on Sugar overload for about 6 months.

Anonymous said...

Wish we could have been in on all the fun! How many were there?
(It would be so neat if our church were able to do something like this, too. Of course, it would have to be on a much smaller scale.)

Anonymous said...

Looks like tons of fun. We're going to have to be in CO for a Halloween in the future...Camdyn would love it! It was super nice here on Halloween too, kind of weird to not have to bundle up.