Friday, November 14, 2008

Ellis turns 3!

The birthday was a huge success! I didn't get as many pictures as I had hoped but there are a bunch here to share. 
Here is the play be play...
We got up at the usual 6am. and the present were waiting at the bottom of the steps. He was so excited! Trevor and I were really good this year and we had saved all of the gifts we have been getting in the mail for him to open on his actual birthday. Trevor even wrapped them and drew Backyardagains on them.  
He opened a Diego backpack that rolls which came with a water bottle (and a Dora backpack for his sister) and a baseball glove from Peep, clothes a Word World movie and a bike from Pappy and Wammy, and a baseball tee from Mommy and Daddy. What is really fun though, is that the presents are only continuing because we are heading to Target today with the money from Mam and Pap to see what else we can find and then he doesn't know it yet but his present from Oma and Opa will be here in the next day or two. Lucky duck, I love it when my b-day goes on for days!

After opening presents we got ready to head to the zoo. We were a little worried that we would get blown away but once we got there the weather was great. When we were in the parking lot Ellis was looking at all of the animal flags they have flying and he said he wanted to see the silly bird. As soon as we got in we saw the bird and he gave Ellis a little extra attention attempting to eat his hand.
The zoo got us really good and hungry so we hit Chipotle for lunch, another of Ellis' favorites and then came home for a long afternoon nap. Jim's spaghetti was the chosen dinner and we had planned on going to Ellis favorite park after that but as soon as we told him we were going over to Nana's after the park he decided we could skip the park.
I made little Backyardagains Super Spy things to add to his chocolate chocolate chocolate cupcakes and they were a hit with Ellis, Ireland and Chloe. From there Trevor and I headed to our friend Jay's ordination and Ellis and Alaire stayed back with Nana. I think in Ellis' opinion it was the perfect end to the perfect day!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

He looks so big. Love the wrapping paper..good job! Glad the day was a great success!

Erin said...

Happy Birthday to Ellis! What a fun day. Three just seems so BIG. We hit that one here next month, and I can hardly believe it!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Happy Birthday to Ellis! It looks like he had a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! I love the one with the backpack, his smile is precious! Happy Birthday Ellis!

Anonymous said...

Ellis.... you're 3 yrs. old now! WOW! That means you're a really big boy! Glad you had such a special day for your birthday... because you ARE special.
Loved the pictures, the wrapping paper and cupcakes.

katy said...

How fun! Happy Birthday Ellis!