Monday, November 03, 2008

Compassion's Dominican Republic Bloggers

This time change has really gotten me good this time. I am one of those people that doesn't need an alarm clock....ever! I wake up at the same time every day and I can even tell myself to wake up earlier if need be. This may all sound great to you, but the only problem is I can't tell myself to sleep later. Anyway, the general wake up time around here is 6:30 am. That wasn't exactly my choosing but the kiddos rule the wake up around here. If you have kids you know what that means when it comes time to "Fall Back." Yep, we were all up at 5:30, they didn't get the memo yesterday and apparently my body didn't get the memo this morning so I found myself on the couch this morning at 5:30 a.m. with nothing better to do but surf the web. This normally entails checking all the newly updated blogs on my list but the only person that had updated her blog today by 5:30 was The Pioneer Woman. I went over there and was clicking around when I saw that her husband "Marlboro Man" and their two daughters were on a bloggers trip to the Dominican Republic with Compassion International. I was intrigued so I have read on and on and it is now nearly 7 a.m. and  everyone here is still sleeping. 

I'm telling all of this to you because I'm not sure they (the sleepers) would want to hear about it all anyway and you have no choice, you just read what is here. Just in case I wasn't too winded, and  someone is still reading  and I have now sparked your interest I added a handy dandy widget (whatever that means/is) on the top left that you can click and find out all about it for yourself!  Well, I'm going to go eat breakfast in peace for once.....hope you enjoyed your sleep!

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I saw this last night on PW and forgot to tell you. I am impressed a Widget!!!!!