Thursday, November 06, 2008

Birthday Present: Part 1

Ellis and Alaire got 1/3 of their joint birthday present from Auntie Em and Uncle Bryce tonight. They could have sent just the balls and the box and these two would have been happy but they are going to die when they see the other 2 pieces that will hopefully be here tomorrow. After all of the fun in the box we took some of the balls up to the tub for bath time and had more fun!


Katie R said...

soo cute!

Anonymous said...

Well i am glad they liked it so far it took me forever to find the perfect present. Emmy didnt do anything so it is safe to say that it is a present from uncle brogans.

Anonymous said...

Looks like lots of fun is coming your way! They look like they are already having a "ball"!

Anonymous said...

super awesome fun in our house!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

oh my...where is it allgoing to go. Might as well move the kitchen table into the living room.

Anonymous said...

Brogans is right he did do all the work! Just ask him what he got Alaire. It is so great I can not believe he found one of those go ahead B tell them what it is!!

Anonymous said...

That would take away from the surprise. Hey Emmy do you remember when you locked the keys in the trunk at church trying to look for your xmas presents?