Thursday, October 30, 2008

Costume Parade

My Mom's group at church had a costume parade for all of the children. It was so funny watching all of these pre-K kids decked in there costumes trying to hold on to the rope and hold their candy bags up at the same time they were attempting to continue to walk.

They paraded around the front of the church and then went into the church offices to get their bags filled. The church staff were lined up in their office chairs along the main hallway greeting the little costumed bundles.

Trevor was one of the first staff members in line and also one of the only one dressed up. I didn't get a picture but he was David Crowder and Ellis was so afraid of him he stopped walking and grabbed my leg.

Our bucket is full again and we have one more party tomorrow night at church so we are sure to be on sugar overload for at least 2 more months!


Anonymous said...

How fun for them to be able to dress up more than just on Halloween. They look darn cute in their costumes! I think it's hilarious that he was afraid of Trevor...David Crowder is kind of scary looking!

Anonymous said...

Ellis and Alaire look great in their costumes! Looks like they are all having "tons" of fun!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love it! Michale says that Halloween must be early in Co...Remember when it wasn't even October and we had Halloween? They look great in their costumes.

Anonymous said...

You need to find a place to take them where someone will rob some of that candy. Remember how the Kinzer's used to do. We finished several Halloween's there. I love the Lady Bug and that Dino is so scary I grabbed Wammy's leg.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that he chose the dino!!! Alaire looksdarn cute too!