Wednesday, October 29, 2008

All in a Days Work

Most days this is far from my thoughts but today I thought, oh I will just laugh....yep that has been my motto for today so I thought I would share so you could do some laughing as well. 

This morning at 9 am when I was putting Alaire down for a nap I decided that when she awoke we would make a trip to drop off some papers to a friend and then to the post office to send Mamaw a get well card. Sounds simple enough, right? Well can anyone tell me why when Alaire woke up at 10:30, it took us until 12:22 (nearly 2 hrs.) to step foot into the post office? 

Here is my best attempt.....please add any ideas you may have!
  • I had to convince the nearly 3 yr. old that it is much to cold for a "basketball form" and that he would have to find something else to wear.
  • Compromising to warm-ups and long sleeves over the "basketball form" sounded good at first until he tried to pull up all of those pieces on his own after using the restroom. 
  • Chasing the now completely mobile toddler, trying to keep her off of the stairs and out of the pantry shelves really adds up the minutes!
  • Tying the oldest child's first shoe only to have it untied by the youngest child as you are tying the second shoe can tend to put you in a time crunch, especially when it becomes a game for the two of them.
  • Convincing my son to turn his motorcycle back into his turkey sandwich so that he can eat it and we can get out of here takes more time than one would normally plan for. 
  • When you are trying to put your shoes on and your little  dare devil has decided that she too can slide on her bum down the steps just like her brother is currently teaching her to do you tend to stop for a moment and attempt to sort things out for the little ones. 
  • Once you are finally in the car and your baby starts signing "cup" and squealing at the tip of her lungs you consider it in your best interest to run back in the house for the 4th time to grab "just one more thing."
  • When you have pulled out of the driveway and you hear "hey you looney toon, you forgot to buckle me" coming from the back seat you are in for another delay.
Now that I've typed this I think I will have Trevor read over it the next time he asks me what took me so long. 


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness the looney toon part is hysterical! You're a great mom

Andrea said...

Oh my word, the looney toon comment is the best! I love it! And you are right to laugh...sometimes that's all you can do besides shake your head. I would LOVE to meet your kids some day (and actually talk to you, haha). We have family in CO Springs, so someday, maybe...=)

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for a nap after reading about your day! Hang in there..... laughing IS the best solution..... you've got that right!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

When did you get to be so funny? Ellis cracks me up. Just wait until Alair can mimick everything he says...then you go real trouble sister. It makes me laugh. Oh, I remember those days ...what am I talking about...we still have a few looney tunes living here. Will the madness ever end!?

Katie R said...

I love the "looney toon" :) Funny kids are fun. Good luck with time management (ha!)

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at this one and even had to share it with Matt! I feel your pain and I only have one mobile child, can't wait to experience days like that!

Kendra White said...

i am saying velcro shoes...:)

maren said...

That's hilarious!!!!! I seriously can't even stop laughing to type this. The looney toon comment is my favorite - followed by the tying and untying of shoes.... oh, kids... you gotta laugh!!! :o)

Erin said...

Ha! Very funny- especially the untying of the shoes-- very enterprising! I SO understand how something supposedly simple can take 2 hours!

Anonymous said...

oh cassie...such is the life of a mom (that dad's will NEVER relate to!) trey has gotten very picky about his clothing lately...wanting to wear these same camo shorts & a t-shirt EVERYDAY. then there's the slip on "vans" shoes from target that i mistakenly allowed him to wear the end of summer w/o socks...ugh. they're so cute, but i keep hiding them so he has to wear his crocs. which, by the way is a staple shoe for all children down here, including the "fleece-lined" kind that can be worn w or w/o socks for when it's cold. trey could put them on when he was little over a year... a mother of toddlers just doesn't have time to tie some days! and which of you parents says "looney tune"? :)

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Oh, this exhausted me but it's what happens EVERY time I have to leave the house. Will also asks me what takes me so long to which I always respond, "are you kidding me?"