Friday, September 19, 2008

It's so Hard to Say Goodbye

I have decided to say goodbye to a good friend. It won't be a forever thing but we need to break or dependance on one another. You see, Private Selections Extreme Moose Tracks and I have had a date nearly every night of the week for some time now. Okay okay I will come right out and tell you. This was my craving upon becoming pregnant with my now 11 month old daughter. Yes, you read it right I have now been eating a scoop (or two) of this ice cream nearly every night for 20 months. The time has come, this must cease. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

o...m...g...! you are hilarious! glad to know i'm not the only one who holds on to really great snacks. (sour gummi savers were my downfall for a while...)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

can't believe you are givng up ice cream...what will Mamaw and Papaw say? Must be where you get you hankerin' for ice cream. Mine on the other hand is anything chocolate!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Cassie. It is so tough to give up a yummy bowl of chocolate ice cream with chunks of chocolate is it! I'll be praying for you! This won't be an easy task.

Anonymous said...

So funny! My weakness is Mint Chocolate Chip.

Anonymous said...

I heard the great news fro Peep!!!! Congrats hahahaha!!!!