Saturday, June 21, 2008

Daddy is back, yahoo!!

Some of you may be thinking that we just skipped right over Father's Day on this blog, and well I guess we did, but I had my reasons. Don't worry, we did take Trevor out for a steak and potato like any dad wants on his day but that was pretty much all of the celebrating we had time for. Ellis made Trevor a card but I didn't even get to get a picture of them together let alone him with both of the kiddos.

Last weekend was crazy busy for us with the fire station, church and a staff picnic all on Saturday and then my new job and of course Trevor's job makes Sundays a little crazy too. Early early Monday morning Trevor left with about 60 high school students to go to Durango for CIY.

I rarely have to do a week alone with the two of them, I usually chicken out and fly to Pappy and Wammy's house so that I can put all of the extra hands that they have at their house to good use but this week we stayed home. All in all it wasn't that bad but I definitely have a renewed appreciation for my husband. Here is a list of the things I missed about him:

  1. He scoops my nightly ice cream and it just isn't really worth the trouble if I have to scoop it myself.
  2. 5pm is usually my breaking point and also almost the exact moment that Trevor walks through the door from work each night.
  3. I didn't realize how few baths I give when he is home.
  4. He makes it worth it to me to cook dinner.
  5. When I want to cry over the fifteenth spilled milk, thirty fourth "mommy I need you" (screamed while holding my leg), seventy second time of putting the cd cases back in the tv stand, he can usually make me laugh about it.
  6. He has way more patience with me than Ellis ever dreamed of having.
  7. He locks the doors at night and when I ask "did you lock the door?" he says yes even if he didn't check.
  8. He holds Alaire nearly every night when we aren't finished with dinner but she is finished with her high chair.
  9. When he is here I actually sleep at night.
  10. He waters the lawn and doesn't even care if his pants get wet.
Of course there were many more reasons...probably to many to list here but I thought I would share a few and maybe next time he is away I will ask Ellis to add his reasons why he misses daddy. The biggest one I remember for him though happened on Thursday. I had bought us cinnamon rolls to make as something for me to look forward to (I'm telling you I'm a wimpy miserable mess when he isn't here.) When Ellis woke up that morning I said "do you know anyone who would want to make a yummy cinnamon roll breakfast with me?" He smiled really big, jumped out of his bed screaming "me" continued into our bedroom now screaming "and daddy too." I hated telling him daddy wasn't here.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Great picture! Proud of you for spenig the week and doing it all alone. Makes you appreciate things and people a little more....can't wait until you get here. Going to the store to pick up the list Ellis gave me...and Auntie Em brought over a chocolate monkey bread mix. Looks yummy! See you in a few!

Anonymous said...

What a trouper! Way to go... you are certainly earning your Mommy stripes! Know Trevor will miss you this week.

sheltonfamily said...

Wow! You did it... what an accomplishment and I am not even joking about it! You are so tough and I am wimping out this week with Nana and Papa, but Mike is gone for 9 days. I think the biggest thing for me is the "no sleeping"it just makes for such a long day the next day. I hope you recover and get a break!

oodrea1221 said...

Thank you for sharing your list...mine has many of the same things (esp the ice cream & the holding the younger child while we're still trying to eat)! I get to be home alone for a week in July... not looking forward to it, esp with all of the extra kids I'll have during the day and then no break...but we will survive and it will make us better for it! I hope you have a GREAT time on your vacation!

Happy Trails,

katy said...

What a sweet blog. :) Being alone with one is hard enough, I can't imagine with two mobile children! I missed the Father's Day blog too... oops! :) I don't even have a good reason, other than being too tired!

Anonymous said...

you have been in Cinncy with Internet...can I have a memory of my family please?