Friday, May 09, 2008

We are getting there

Thanks you so much for all of the suggestions and ideas. I have to say it was nice to just hear that others had had the same things happen. The sleeping at our house seems to be getting better. Alaire has slept through the night for at least 12 hours for the last 4 days in a row so whatever was up with her seems to be over. Yesterday morning Ellis woke up at 7am, which is a huge improvement but this morning he was crying for me at 6am. It was a cry that sounded different than most and made me think something was up so I went in to check on him. He crawled right up into my lap and told me he didn’t feel good and I could tell in an instant that he had a fever. He cuddled with Trevor or me for most of the morning and only wanted a milkshake for lunch. I had offered to make him some spaghetti, one of his all time favorites and when he declined I knew I should check his temp. again. He was in the 101’s so it was Motrin and bed for him. He didn’t really put up much of a fight about that so I’m hoping he will be able to sleep it off and it will just be a 24hr bug. Tomorrow night is Alaire’s baby dedication so we are praying that all will be well for that.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Hope all is well this morning. Poor Ellis...hope it was only a 24 hour thing.

katy said...

So sorry to hear Ellis is sick! I hope it passes soon! Poor Kendra has been sick forever it seems... Sigh...