Friday, May 23, 2008

The calm before the storms

We have had crazy weather here (tornados, hail, really strong winds) for the last two days. The morning before all fo the craziness began we made it to the park for a little outside play time before being cooped up inside because mommy is a scaredy cat. After playing for a while Alaire was ready to head back to the house for a nap and Ellis wanted to go the long way so we could see a large colony of ants we had seen on our walk the day before. He is a bit pokey (I think he must have gotten that from Aunt Sarah) so I turned the Bob into a double stroller and he thought it was great. We never ended up finding the ants but all was well anyway.

Here is Alaire with her current favorite toy. I don't know why she likes this bat so much but if it is on the floor she is rolling for all its worth to get to where ever it is. I took a video of her with it and I should be posting it soon so check back if you want to see her laughing!


sheltonfamily said...

I was wondering if you all were okay? MIke wishes we had the Bob double.... one day maybe! I'm thinking Ellie might think that she needs a uniform after she sees Ellis wearing his all the time! I'm glad you had a great time at the park. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope the weather has changed for the better and you have a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend!