Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Public Service Announcement concerning Santa

This is just a public service announcement for those of you that didn’t know; we were unaware of it ourselves, but Santa Claus makes special house calls throughout the year for paci pick up and delivery anytime that his services are needed. Yesterday we “found out” that he would be making his way through our town so Ellis decided to give his pacis to Santa last night. This is not a new development. It is something that we had been talking about for a while. I just didn’t think he needed them anymore but I felt like it would be a real struggle to take them away. For about two weeks now we have been asking him if he wanted to give them to Santa. (Ever since Christmas he hasn’t stopped talking about Santa.) We told him Santa would give them to another little boy that doesn’t have any pacis. For a while Ellis acted like this was a great idea but then when the time came it just wasn’t happening.

He has only been allowed to have pacis in his bed at night time and nap time for quite a few months now. Yesterday he and I were cleaning his room and he kept getting them off of his bed and sucking on them so I told him if I caught him with one in his mouth again I was taking them all away. I turned around and it wasn’t 2 seconds and he had one in his mouth again so he lost them all. When it came time for nap time he didn’t ask for one so I thought, okay lets just see how this goes. He went to sleep fine and when he woke up he told me that he had given his paci to Santa. At bedtime it was the same thing; he went down just fine. He did wake up at about midnight and cried for a paci for about five minutes but that was the last we heard from him.

I went to the grocery store last night around 11pm in search for a gift from Santa. There were slim pickings so I came home with watercolor paints, a bouncy balloon, and a bag of blowup balloons. Trevor created a Thank You card from Santa while I was gone. We decorated with balloons from his doorway down the steps and then left the card and the gifts at the bottom. He loved it! We topped the morning off with a trip for doughnuts, (Mommy and Daddy just couldn’t be outdone by Santa.)

If any of you need assistance finding out what other kinds of services Santa provides or for a link providing a schedule of his next visit to your town please just let us know!


Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Great idea! I was just mean and cut the ends off all of Turner's pacies and he didn't want them anymore because they were "broken" as he said. Maybe I'll be nicer and give Layni a gift. :)

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Glad it went so smoothly. I am already dreading taking that away!

sheltonfamily said...

Why do our children do everything at the same time? We took Ellie's "3" away last week... oh yeah, one in her mouth and one in each hand! We went all out with some great sleeping with all 3 pacis the last couple of months! Her dentist made me take hers away cause of her tooth being removed. She's done fine especially at night. There have been a few naps that have been rough.... So proud of Ellis and your pics are so cute!

Anonymous said...

I loved how you handled the paci issue with Ellis. What a great idea! I'm glad it worked so well. You really empowered Ellis and reinforced thinking of others and being generous and compassionate to their needs. Way to go you two!!!

Love Ya! O'ma

The Purvis Family said...

Great Idea Cas!! I will have to remember that when we go through it with Carson, but for now we will just continue our days when the paci makes everything better :)

leigh ann said...

we gave blake's pacis to santa too. (blake called him ho-ho...) of course that was quite a long time ago now! our pediatrician suggested it and we did it and it worked like a charm.

Karen said...

Congrautlations! It seems that went very well... and I'll have to remember that idea for the future. Luckily, my little boy, James, just started completely refusing the paci just before he was 1 year old. (It was the same time he was refusing a bottle.) We were already only giving it to him at naptime and bedtime, and he just would take it from me and throw it to the side... so I stopped offering it to him. I can only hope when we have more kids, it will be as easy, but I won't hold my breath and I'll definitely remember your little trick!! =oP

maren said...

Fabulous idea!!! I love to hear all the ideas parents come up with for taking pacifiers away cause I'm sure it can be hard sometimes. I had a friend who took his little girl to the zoo so she could give hers to the monkeys! :o)

Mom of Three said...

I know we just need to take them away, but apart of me is terrified of how much of a fit she might throw at nighttime lol.

We have started taking it away during the day accept at night and nap times, but she also gets upset if she doesn't have one for car rides... sigh...

But thanks for your comment and I don't think your a weirdo!