Thursday, January 17, 2008


I think we are going to have to have an intervention for Alaire when we get home. She is going to have a rough week of getting back to normal.....I can see it coming from a mile away. Aunt Sarah has put her to sleep in her arms for her afternoon nap the last two days and Wammy seems to have her in her arms whenever I turn around. I will not be able to keep up with all of this holding and rocking.

As for an update on the boys, Ellis is now feeling better but is still asking for medicine and telling me he is sick. I guess we will have a little work to do on him upon our return as well. I can't say I blame him right now though, I really enjoy laying in bed reading books and watching movies too. Michael is slowly getting better but has still had a fever today. After lunch in bed he said "that food upstairs (where he is never allowed to eat) really made me feel better mom."


Jan AKA Wammy said...

That's make fun now but just wait until you get one there to lend a helping will be calling begging for some help. And I'll love every minute of it. What's a Wammy to do anyway when you live miles and miles away. I have to hold them and spoil them while I can.

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Oh, I'm so sorry Ellis has been so sick on your trip home - I know that's not what you had planned! Just let your Mom and family spoil that sweet baby. Second babies, especially, don't get to be spoiled enough!