Sunday, October 07, 2007

Big Franklin Pumpkin Painting

We went to the grocery store a few days ago and they had a huge pumpkin display with tractors and everything. I couldn't resist so we came home with a pretty large pumpkin. It just sat there for a while because it seems a little to early to start carving. Then we found out that there is going to be a pumpkin decorating contest at the upcoming Fall Festival at church so we started thinking up our design. Ellis loved that we were painting so this probably worked out a lot better than carving it. I can't imagine the mess that would have made.
Trevor, of course, was our resident designer and artist extraordinare. We thought about doing Curious George and Nemo (two of Ellis' favorites) but we landed on Franklin. Some of you may know of him but for those of you who don't Franklin is a turtle in a few books Ellis has. He got the stuffed animal for Christmas last year from Oma and Opa and "Frankles" as Ellis calls him shares Ellis' bed with him at nap time.
Ellis only really made it through the green painting process and then it was time for a nap so he didn't get to see the finished project until last night. He loves it......from far away. He calls it "big frankles" and his stuffed animal "tiny frankles."
This was as close as I could get him to sit to our Franklin pumpkin. I will let you know how it does in the competition this coming weekend.


Kendra White said...

Cassie- we love Franklin. And the pumpkin too. Our house is full of pumpkins since that is the theme of John Hunter's party. He thinks they are fun to hug on. As far as the ceiling... one more time to sand the drywall. Eric's response was.. glad you are ok! He says there are so many comments to say, be he is storing them up for when he needs them!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Big Franklin is very cute and very creative! I only got as far as Ernie and Bert - cute, but VERY easy! I hope you're feeling well...I'm excited to hear about baby girl!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love Frankles...Michael recognized it so fast. We got to go shopping at Target tonight and let's just say that the boys will be making some messes when we get there. Michael is so excited to show Ellis how to do all the stuff. I'm not telling eigher. Can't wait to hear how the contest at chruch goes.

sheltonfamily said...

Once again our children are so alike... So we moved here and got Time Warner Digital Cable.. well, the great thing is they have this button on the remote control called "on demand".. i hit it and then there is a kids section... so then I go to "Noggin" and clik on Franklin and there's like 6 Franklin episodes. Ellie now loves Franklin the Turtle... we also have Dora, Diego, Sesame, etc... all on this channel. It has been very helpful during the move, but Ellie now knows the Franklin theme song.AAHHHH... to much t.v.. I'll try and send you some recipes, but we are kind of stuck on spaghetti and tacos as well....I did just think of one that is yummy.....

Becca said...
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Becca said...

Big Franklin is soo cute! I am so proud to see the creativity flowing in the Oakes household!