Sunday, August 05, 2007

And We aren't in KS anymore

Having driven through KS on my way to CO twice on different youth activities this is exactly what I pictured when we decided that we would be moving to KS. The funny thing to me is that in the whole time that we lived in KS I never saw anything that even looked like this. I know now that this is because we lived in Eastern KS.

On our way to church the other day I just happened to look to my left and I saw a never ending field of sunflowers. I have seen this before on one of those trips I was talking about but there is something about being in a greyhound bus with 30 some other youth for who knows how long that kinda take the awe out of it. This time seeing it was a lot better experience so I thought I would share it with you.

Other than that our weekend has been pretty busy so I haven't really had the time to take pictures. We have been painting and cleaning at the house so as soon as we are near being finished I will post pictures.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I remember that LONG bus ride to CO...what were we thinking. But when we got to
Estes Park, Co...we knew it was all worth it. I remember the sunflower fields...they were pretty amazing. Mamaw and Papaw saw the blog today at Peep's. Papaw was thrilled with his medals. e sure to ceck the blog tomorrow evening. Can't wait to see you pictures of the paint.

Anonymous said...

your house looks so cute! when did you move in? sarah hadn't told me about your house. she can't wait to see you for "girls' weekend"! obviously, you're already "nesting" away... (i've finally updated my blog!)

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys are safe, hopefully Ellis took a good nap during flight number 2. Have fun with the girls.


Anonymous said...

wonder how many sunflower seeds are in that field