Sunday, July 15, 2007

No time for new clothes

We were so busy yesterday that I just didn't have time to post so this is probably going to be a long one with two days of stories. Yesterday morning Emmy took me to see one of her friends salons to get my haircut so mom watched the boys. I was famished after all of the hard work of the facial and hair so we had to stop for a bite to eat before meeting the crew at the park for a community fun day. You can read lots more about it on my mom's blog but I would have to say the Ellis' favorite parts were the ducks in the petting zoo and the firetrucks that he got to actually get up into.
We were only at the park for about 2 hrs. but that was long enough for us to all be drenched in sweat so we rushed home to change our clothes before church. On our way to church we stuffed the boys with snacks to hold them off until afterwards for dinner. Michael had a strong grip on the Cheezit box and Ellis was asking for more but he was getting no results so Mom said "Michael, Ellis is asking you for more" Micheal looked at her like she was crazy and said "how do you know, he doesn't speak English." We thought that was hillarious and so far it has been the quote of the trip but I feel sure that there will be more.
After church Dad treated us to tons!! of italian food at Bucca de Beppo and after the dinner of course we gorged ourselves on a gigantic piece of chocolate cake. Ellis took his first bite with a fork and then it was so good that the fork became to slow and tedious that he just moved to his hands. His was gone before the rest of us were half way finished and of course he was asking for more.
It was easy to see when the sugar hit him because out of nowhere he took a nose dive right at Michael and when we pulled him off he went right back for him.

Not seconds after that the low hit and he went straight to Pappy's shoulder ready to hit the hay. My mom got a great picture of him out cold in his car seat on the ride home.
My mom, Em, and I probably should have gone right to bed when we got home but we got the sewing bug and we were in the basement until around 1 am. Emmy had gotten this material a while ago in hopes to get a dress for each of us that was supposedly really simple to make. I'm sure we made it harder than it had to be but I think they turned out pretty well. We made sure to seam mine so that once Ladybug arrives I will be able to take it in a little so it will fit next summer too. Mom has been bugging us all day to get this picture. She keeps saying that we haven't been dressed alike since we were 2.

This morning we just played around on the tractor and the "wee" until it was time for lunch and a nap. As soon as Ellis went down for his nap Emmy, Sarah, and I left for the Gap Outlet. I got some super finds and I was so glad that mom watched Ellis because Emmy and I were so amazed at how many crying babies were there. We called mom on the way home to see if they wanted to meet us at one of my "must haves" before we go home, LaRosa's. While we were there no one was watching and Michael introduced Ellis to his first drink of Sprite or Seventeen as Michael calls it. I'm sure I don't need to tell you but he made sure he got every last drop of it.
When we got home Ellis had to get his helmet back on and do a little bike riding. Even though the ride didn't last long the helmet remained on for the rest of our night outside. I was actually kind of glad that he likes it so much, it can make for a much less stressful time in the driveway. He loves to run up and down the driveway climb all over everything and just be a boy so when he has the helmet on I feel pretty comfortable letting him do as he pleases, at least it won't be a head injury. In this picture he was hanging with the big boys and being sure to follow all of Michael's orders. He was instructed to sit and watch straight ahead for the ice cream truck. Michael was looking left and Luke was to be looking right, to bad it never showed, but they were ready.

Just a note to all of you out there that noticed Ellis in the same outfit for two days straight......well what can I say, its vacation. He only wore it yesterday for church fell asleep in the car and ended up sleeping in his clothes so when he woke up this morning I just thought what the I said it's vacation.


O'ma & O'pa said...

Wow! You've had an action packed weekend!
So many moments to take advantage of together!!
Sounds like you're all having a blast! Thanks for the pictures and stories.... I feel included in all the fun.
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for choosing a picture where my eyes are at least half opened. I am sure there were lots of great shots to choose from. That was probably the only one!