Friday, July 13, 2007

Ellis woke up more than early this morning wondering where he was. I put him into bed with me and he fell back to sleep right away (unfortunately I can't say the same for myself). Once mom woke up he played with her and I went back to bed. This is a picture of him playing in the raindrops falling off of the gutter.

Once we were all ready for the day we went downtown to see Bryce's new apt. He lives in a loft right in the middle of downtown. It was really cool, huge old windows and really tall ceilings. Ellis didn't think much of the architecture but he really liked the bike he found in the corner.

After his hands were all greased up Gammy introduced him to Lucky the fish. I guess he didn't think Lucky was a very good name because he just called him Nemo.

Nemo was a great intoduction to our big event for the day. We went to the Newport Aquarium. There even the sharks were "Nemos." There were some really cool exhibits there and Ellis and Michael loved it but my only complaint is that they wouldn't let you take your stroller in. My mom and I were a bit upset about that news, I mean come on its a kid place, don't they expect strollers. The girl told me I could rent a backpack carrier. I wanted to laugh. She was a teenager, obviously not thinking that I was seven months pregnant and not interested in carrying a nearly 2 year old all the way through the aquarium. Anyway, enough complaining. Ellis probably liked the penguins the best but I would say my favorite was Denver, the huge sea turtle.
If you look way way way back in the blog from last year on our trip to Gammy and Pappy's you will find a hillarious story of Michael being terrified of sharks. Surprisingly, on our trip to what he calls the "E-quarium" he was actually looking for the sharks.

Ellis slept almost the whole way home but as soon as we pulled into the driveway he was ready to "go go go," thank goodness Gammy was ready to comply.

I was surprised that we were able to get him to take the helmet off so that he could eat his own dinner, but for Ella's he just wanted to sit and watch, helmet and all. He would look up every once in a while at whoever was watching and say "ummm."
Our day ended with what else but ice cream and a long drive to no where. (I'm sure that comes as no surprise to Trevor.) Ellis didn't actually get his own ice cream. All he needed was his own spoon because he just made his way around the table and sampled a little of everyone's. The favorite that he landed on was Michael's vanilla cone with sprinkles......I guess this means the Dairy Queen by the new house will be getting to know us even more than they already have.


Anonymous said...

I love the last picture it is so cute of him. He is a pretty good kid and seems to always travel well.

The E quarium looked fun! I would have loved to see that shark it looked Ginormeous...which is actually a word now...probably not spelled right?

Looks like fun and I pray we get a Baskin Robins here, it would make living in God's Country even sweeter!


O'ma & O'pa said...

Loved the pictures today! Can't believe they didn't let you use your stroller. Must not be much walking space in the aquarium.
Ice cream is one of the sweet pleasures of life! Glad you don't have anything against Ellis indulging with you!
Keep having great fun!
Love Ya!

sheltonfamily said...

Thank God for grandparents! It is so great to come visit them while our hubbies are away having fun! We are having a good time as well... I am tempted to take Ellie to the Atlanta aquarium and let my mom watch Anna. It is an amazing place! So have you decided on a name for this baby girl? We should have go on vacation together the next time the guys are gone at the same time! Have a great time!