Thursday, July 12, 2007

Airplane ride to Cincy

We had to say goodbye to dad today and at first Ellis was not to happy about it. He must have asked me a million times where daddy was. When we finally got to the terminal he realized that we were at this huge place where there were tons of airplanes. I didn't have to entertain him at all. The planes, trucks and buses did all of the work for me. I was a little worried about this trip just because he is a little older but I think that it was his best flight yet. We shared a few peanut butter crackers and a piece of fruit leather and then he was out. We were lucky enough to have an empty seat beside us so he slept with his head in my lap and that was it. I actually got to read a magazine for about an hour and a half! When he woke up the flight attendant gave him some apple juice and a bag of dorritos. Those held him over until the captain made the announcement that we were landing.
The trip in the car was a little harder. I think he was just ready to get out and play. Michael was a huge help in keeping him happy. In this picture they were throwing my flip flops at each other.

He seems so big here. He is actually old enough to play with other kids and he loved chasing Michael around on the tractor.

My parents neighbor saw all of the boys in the neighborhood playing on their bikes in the driveway and she thought Ellis would want a helmet of his own. I don't think she knew what she was doing. He kept hitting his head saying "Steve." I guess he wanted me to know that is was a helmet like Steve wears on his bike.
Once he got over the bike helmet he moved on to his new bike. Michael has gotten a new one so they are passing this one on. Aunt Sarah pushed him around the house over and over again.

SHOUT OUT to the aunt and uncle who got no props......auntie em and uncle bryce.


Anonymous said...

nice helmet, Steve will be proud. It is tour de france time.

It looks like you guys are already having a great time, I miss you, but hope you continue to have a blast!

give the bug a kiss for me...and play YUCK!


O'ma & O'pa said...

Looks like you're having a great time! Glad the flight went so well. Cassie, I agree that Ellis looks really big in these pictures. Especially with the helmet. (It actually looked like it fit him!) But, if you think he looks big now.... just wait until Oct. when little sis arrives!!
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

RIP #3