Monday, June 18, 2007

Reunion day #3

Day number two of the reunion was interesting. Most of the family ran in the Estes Park Mini Marathon/10k/5k. I of course am in no shape to be running so I watched Mayzee, Henry and Ellis. We were going to go watch the finishers but the Dango started acting up and I didn't want to get stuck down there with three kids so we stayed at the camp and played until everyone got back. Ellis and a lot of the runners took very long afternoon naps and then Jen and I happened upon a sheet that had the schedule of all of the activities they have here for kids so we set out to make our plan for today.
I had a doctors apt. this morning so Ellis stayed with Oma but as soon as I got back we started the fun.
Henry wanted to begin with bubbles so we took his bubble gun outside our lodge and the fun began. Aria was the only one that had much success with the bubbles so they resorted to hanging on the raillings.

Next on the schedule was the park which was soon followed with a tree art class. One of the staff members took us on a little walk through the ash grove and taught us about a few of the trees that grow in CO. She gave all of the kids a paper bag to gather a few items off of the ground for the art we were going to do. Ellis picked up some bark for his art so we made a picture of the mountains. Jen had given Henry some Benadryl for a rash he has before we went to the park so he was very tired. He told her he wanted to make a sad face with his items, so just to be different Mayzee made a happy face.

Right after our tree art class we went straight to the pool. Ellis loved it! He kicked and kicked and didn't even cry when I put him under water.

On our way to dinner we were talking about tomorrow's schedule. Henry is signed up for a class to learn about bugs and we want to be sure to make the class on bubbles. After all of the activites we were thinking of going into town for the afternoon to shop around and then have dinner there. We were halfway to the cafeteria when Mayzee and Henry started in on the whining. "I can't go anymore, I'm tired, how much longer." Then Jen and I turn around and Henry had just sat down in the middle of the sidewalk and Mayzee was crawling. Henry was carried the rest of the way and Mayzee rode with Ellis in the stroller. By the time we got to the table there were tears from all three of them and unintelligable words coming from the two that we should have been able to understand. I guess you could say we decided that we may need to rethink the plan for tomorrow. They were so tired from todays packed schedule that Ellis ended up laying on the floor under the table and Mayzee and Henry were both lying on Jen's lap by the time dinner was over.
It didn't take Henry long to forget how tired he was. I guess the food gave him an extra burst of energy because as we turned the corner out of the dining hall to head home he said "hey mom maybe we could go to the park to get a little "injury" out." We did a last little bit of wearing them out on the "wee" and them it was back to the lodge for a bath and bed. I know they have to be worn out because eventhough I put Ellis down just an hour ago I'm thinking of going to bed as soon as this is finished.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks and sounds like wonderful times in the mountains. We are trying to figure out how to get all of the rest of us there sometime. Great memories from the 28 hours bus youth trip years and years ago. Ellis looks like he is having a ball. And Cassie, you have to be in front of the camera sometime because we need to see how big the Ladybug is from time to time. You look great! Remember the pictures of me when I was pregnant with you and Emmy?

Anonymous said...

I love hearing what you guys are doing! They all look like they have so much fun together. Ellis is going to be 20 by the time he has cousins on the other side. Well have fun and can't wait to hear what you did today. Oh and I think you look really god in the tree art pic.