Saturday, June 16, 2007

Oakes Reunion Day 1

I think that I had mentioned that we were going to the Oakes, actually Henry (Karen or Oma's side) family reunion. We are actually at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, CO. I have been here before with my youth group in high school for the World Baptist Youth Convention. I remember very little of it, other than my dad sitting on the huge front porch of the Lodge stopping people to play Simon Says or asking them where they were from. He would say "oh you are from, Atlanta, how close is that to Georgia?"
Anyway back to the family reunion.
When everyone got here we went out for Mexican, which is no surprise to you if you know any of the Oakes boys. The kids had fun afterwards climbing and running around on the lawn of the restaraunt.

We had lunch in the park today before heading up the mountain. Ellis wasn't able to sit for lunch because there was a "wee" (slide) within a few yards of our picnic spot. We finally gave up and let him play first. He and Henry had fun sharing this swing.

Today we have had fun exploring the area. At the family bonfire after dinner we found a "wee". We spent most of the bonfire time climbing on rocks with Aria or sliding and running around the playground.

These are both photos from the bonfire. You can hardly see the view behind them but it was so pretty.


Anonymous said...

i thought you were staying out from in front of the camera? Well I think that you look great just keep Ellis in front of you! That is what I always try to do with Michael or any other child around. The reunion looks fun I remember how pretty that place was. i but that you are really missing mark what's his name and his stupid games he tried to make us play.

Anonymous said...

oh and I like Elis's kicks in the pic of him and brother in front of the view that you can not see.

Anonymous said...

you're beautiful, cassie...stay in front of the camera.

Anonymous said...

Looks like lots of fun! I agree with all the comments, you do look great and should not worry about being in front of the camera! Enjoy the rest of your time with the family!

sheltonfamily said...

I love your new pics. You all are so lucky to be wearing sweatshirts. It's 97 degrees here today. I've been past the YmCa place at estes park. we went on vacation to Estes once. I love it! Mike's parents stayed there last summer. I can't imagine an Oakes reunion. Does ladybug have a name yet?