Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Looking Good

For all of you out there that have been wodering when we would cut the curls off.....you are still going to have to wait a while. Ellis did get a pretty good haircut the other night though. We had been trimming it every once in a while in the bathtub but he has become quite the swimmer and it was just geting to hard to get him to sit still. So what do all good mothers do? You guessed it.....they bribe their children. We sat him in his high chair and I cut a bite size Milky Way into six pieces and fed them to him very slowly while Trevor cut.

Ellis has a new independent streak in him. He likes to pick the shirt that he will wear in the morning. The only problem is he always wants it to have a ball on it. I think he has maybe three shirts with balls on them so he gets a bit distraught when they are all being washed. We tried to fix the problem yesterday and got him a new shirt with a soccer ball on it. He has it on today and could hardly eat his breakfast because the bib was covering up the ball.

Here he is with dad in his new ball shirt in Trevor's office watching ball videos on Youtube. You can probably hear it from where you are "BALL."


Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

It's funny how we decide to have another baby just when they start to get that stubborn, independent side to them. Next will come the fits just in time for #2. :) And, don't ever cut his curls... they're sweet!

sheltonfamily said...

I love his curls... Ellie has them as well... We would be in trouble if Ellie wanted to wear a "ball" shirt cause she doesn't have any... however, she loves to say ball constantly! hope all is well in ks.

Anonymous said...


Love to see that it is Daddy cutting Ellis's hair! ("Mom" always had that job at our house.)

Good luck with the stubborn streak!

Glad you are feeling better now, Cassie!
Love the pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, trey is very determined about certain things now too...speaking of "ball" things: trey now feels the need to carry a ball everywhere we go (the store, the car, with him to bed!) it's very cute :) and so far having a basketball in bed with him hasn't hidered his sleeping. and durng the day he is constantly "shooting" the ball at things (the door, the wall, the cabinets, onto the counters & into the bathroom sinks!) he's so

Anonymous said...

(continued...i accidently pushed "publish" before i was done)
...much fun! and talking so much! check out our blog - i finally updated it!~

Miss Yvonne said...

Cassie, DJ had incredible curls until at age three we finally had to cut them. They only grow back now when his hair gets really long. He's almost ten.