Monday, April 09, 2007

This is our only picture from Easter. Our camera died right after Trevor took it. It was freezing here so I think Mr. Bunny kinda got a late start. After church we went with the Greers out to Marsha's Aunt and Uncle's farm for the day. We had a blast and Ellis was spoiled like crazy by all of the Easter Bunnys that were there. We had an awesome lunch and then we all participated in the annual digital picture Easter egg hunt. This hunt is much more involved than anything I was used to growing up but it makes for a lot of fun.....especially when Sasha doesn't know the difference between her purple eggs and mine and Hayley's blue and pink eggs. After that egg hunt they do the candy egg hunt and then everyone gets their baskets. Lets just say Ellis did very well in the treat dept. and we all had a lot of fun. Sometimes it can be hard to spend Holidays away from family but Trevor and I both agreed that this family made us feel so comfortable and welcome. Hope everyone else had a great Easter as well.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

It makes me sad that you all couldn't be here with us at Easter...but I am extremely thankful that you have families in KS that have taken you in and treat you like family...the next best thing! Can't wait until this summer...Michael is making big plans for a pool in the backyard...but I first have to move some of the flowers...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

O'ma and O'pa .......

I'd like to know more about the digital camera egg hunt. It sounds like fun! Makes me think of the treasure hunt "clues" the boys used to get to find their Easter Baskets. (Which they had every year even when Trevor was at OCC!!)

I'm so glad the Greer's are taking such good care of your family. It is comforting to know your day was special and you were with people who obviously love you!! (That is a real answer to our prayers for you.)

Glad that you had at least one picture to share of your day! Love Ya!