Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Little Fun

I had a conversation with Sarah a few weeks ago and I was telling her how I thought that some days Ellis was bored but that he ate crayons and paint and I can only read so many books. She said that one of the most fun things that she used to do with kids Ellis' age when she worked at the day care was put pudding or shaving cream on the table and just let them have at it. I opted for pudding because I knew it would go straight to his mouth and it would definatley taste better. When he woke up from his nap I undressed him and we went straight to the table. I dumped a little out on the table and then went to the kitchen to look for my spatula so that I could get the rest of the pudding out of the container. I thought for sure that when I returned he would be licking it of of the table or something but when I came back he was just sitting there as clean as I had left him and waiting for permission to dig in. At first he just stuck his index finger in and licked and licked but then he got a little more brave and used two hands the spatula and eventually tried to "drink" what was left in the container. When I thought all had been licked I asked him if he wanted to go take a bath and he just shook his head yes. Look at the hand print on the wall behind him in the picture at the stairs. Once he was bathed we went downstairs so that I could make a dessert for the parent youth group night tonight and Trevor started dinner. We couldn't keep him out of our hair so he ended up getting another spatula, this time with cherry pie filling on it. Needless to say the mess started all over again.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love it, I love it, I love it! What are the fun Mom on the block. How awesome! I can't wait until Michael sees the mess. At least with shaving cream your table would be clean and Ellis would smell really good! I love it. And if that is not little Cassie standing there staring at us....

Anonymous said...

That is so much fun! I knew he would love it! I can't wait to do that with Camdyn some day! Camdyn crawled today as well...YEAH! (I had to tell someone it's so exciting!)

Anonymous said...

what a great mom!!!

Anonymous said...

whya re you letting him play with poop?

Anonymous said...

whya re you letting him play with poop?

Anonymous said...