Friday, April 06, 2007

Inside Again

I think that the story is the same just about everywhere in the country, the weather has changed dramatically. We looked out the window yesterday and the water that we had left in Ellis' pool was frozen. I don't think that he really understands why we can't just go for a walk or swing on the swing so we have had to work at entertaining him indoors. He enjoys "cooking" now so I gave him a measuring bowl with maybe a Tbs. of water in it and let him stir it all over the kitchen floor and then when Trevor got home this afternoon they invented a new game with the Laundry basket. Ellis sits inside and Trevor swings him as hard as he can around in circles on the floor. I asked them to add the blanket underneath so they wouldn't scratch the floor. I think it kinda took the fun away for everyone becasue it slowed the ride down and it was much harder for Trevor to do the spinning. Oh well every party has one.


Kayla said...

oh, the cold. i wish God would quit teasing us, He think He's so funny =P lol, anyways, i found ur blog! i forgot what it was, then found it again, whoopdidoda!

Anonymous said...

O'ma & O'pa said.....

You're right about the weather changing drastically! We woke up to snow on the ground!! It is 3pm and just a little bit is still on the ground.

Easter Sunday is going to be cold for all the new spring outfits out there!

Loved the laundry basket amusement ride the guys came up with.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Can you say WI wintr. I think our friends brought it to us on their way to WV. We have had snow and cold wind for the last several days. I had to turn the heat back on.We have as many sheets outside covering the flowers as we do on the beds inside. We don't have the fun rides you have in KS but we have a castle and a rocket ship in the basement. I's make then put a blamket on the bottom of the basket have beautiful hard wood floors...but boys will be boys.

Anonymous said...

maybe try a sheet on the bottom of the basket it might protect the floor and slide a little better or maybe a sleeping bag! You always have been the party pooper!! May that is why I am Michael's favorite sister.