Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Beautiful Day

Trevor plays basketball sometimes with some guys from the church on Monday so Ellis and I decided that we would go for a little while. There was another little girl there that came with her daddy who was about 6. We played with her for a little while and then Ellis found a cookie that had been in our diaper bag so I let him eat it. The little girl asked where hers was so I felt bad and went rummaging through the leftover Super Bowl snacks in the church kitchen for a cookie for her. Of course Ellis got another cookie as well.

Yesterday was gorgeous here. They were predicting 46 degrees which I would have been happy with but it actually got up into the 60s. I saw my chance to get out of the house with Ellis and Camdyn so we took it. At first we were just going to swing on the swing but it was just to pretty not to go on a walk. I think that they both loved it because they slept great in the afternoon and were both so happy. Sarah has an even better picture of the two of them on the swing on her page.
When Trevor got home I told him how Ellis hadn't been eating much, which I attributed to his teeth, and he offered him a graham cracker that I had offered numerous times throughout the day. He didn't take it at first but when Trevor put it on a chip cllip it suddenly sounded appetizing. I guess it resembled a popsicle or something because that is all he has been eating besides applesause.

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

How all grown up they both are getting! I just want to squeeze them both until they laugh.