Friday, January 05, 2007

Our Last Day in Cincy

Ellis has had lots of fun in Cincy with Gammy and Pappy but tomorrow it all comes to a close. We are heading home, and according to Michael, we have to go all the way to the "road trip" airport. When it is time for dinner we will be with daddy again.

We went out for a special dinner last night to one of Dad and Emmy's favorites, a Thai restraunt near the house called Bangkok. To me, this seemed fun, Mom and Sarah weren't to excited and Michael didn't really get it, he had a grilled cheese. We all got something different and then shared on appetizer plates. I loved it and Ellis even ate a little of the crab that mom had.
While we were waiting for dinner we played a game that I made up called opposites. Michael's class is studying opposites so we went around the table and quizzed one another.

Today we had to put "library day" (Friday) and "errand day" (Saturday) together because Michael and Mom are taking us to the airport tomorrow. We did a few Christmas returns and exchanges, went to the postoffice, got to go to "rosas" (La'Rosa's) because Michael got all thumbs up at school this week, and met Emmy and "the girls" at Wal-mart to do a little grocery shopping. Once we finally picked Sarah up we went home to play with Gracie and Wibby. Ellis loved having more kids around, and I think that the next time we visit he and Gracie will have tons of fun together!

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

When is your next trip home? It is too quiet around here and I have nothing to do! Michael is making plans...all kinds of plans. Besides you have to come back to get all the stuff you is going to take a fortune to mail all the heavy stuff. Hmmm, better yet, we could come and visit you and bring it all. That's a great thought...I gotta see the kitchen.