Sunday, January 07, 2007

Home Sweet Home

It was a pretty painless ride home. Because of my massacre of mom's minivan we ended up having to take my dad's car to Indy. This made for an interesting ride for the boys. They couldn't see one another because there was a huge suitcase between them. Mom and I joked that it would be a great tactic for parents that have children that fight in the car. We hadn't driven 15 miles and Michael was asking if we were going to the "field trip airpot" (because it is so far away). Mom told him not to worry that it would be a fun trip. He peered up over his book and said under his breath "this isn't fun".
I think Ellis loves being home, in fact as soon as we walked in the door he wiggled out of my arms to get down to play with his toys. He has taken a few steps to show Trevor his skills but refused any walking today at church. This afternoon was a little rough because I think he was a little confused as to what time it was. We fixed the fussiness really quick, we just gave him a sucker! It was the first time that I let him have the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

I want pictures of the paint job.....

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Ditto Pappy