Saturday, October 21, 2006

My Friend the Ball

I tried to come in on Wednesday and post but I wasn't able to put any pictures on so I just thought I would try again later becasue I can't imagine that my stories are as much fun without the pictures to go along with them. Anyway, that is why there are so many today.
It used to be the fork or spoon but now it has become the tennis ball that goes everywhere he goes. It has been to bed with him, to the grocery store, in the bathtub, to church, and it regularly eats dinner with us. I look at it as if it is his little bright green imaginary friend. He knows how to crawl on all fours now but if the ball is around he won't do it because he wants the ball to go with him. He tucks it up in his armpit and does the army crawl to get wherever it is he is going.

We had a special treat the other day. I had some frozen strawberries left over from a dessert I had made a while back and I was trying to think of a different way to get Ellis to eat it so we made a banana and strawberry smoothie. He loved it!! He has a really easy time drinking something that thick out of a straw but we are still trying to figure out the thin liquids. I guess we will just keep trying.

Here are our lateset pictures of Al the squirrel. The first one is the one Trevor got and I think that you can really see what I mean by our white haired buddy. The next one is the one that I got. I guess that disproves my theory of the bucket of paint, but it was a good story while it lasted. It appears that Al is just a wise old sqirrel.

I guess we are starting somewhat of a tradition here, or we have found another way that Ellis takes after us. Trevor and I are both somewhat like children when we are tired or hungry, you better do something about it or you aren't going to want to be around us. We are definate snack people, snack time for us usually falls around 10 and 4. Four happens to be right about when Ellis is waking up from his afternoon nap and Trevor is getting home from work. We have been having cheese and crackers latley and you can't get the cheese cut fast enought to satisfy Ellis. Occasionally we will make a trail around the coffee table just to buy some time.


Anonymous said...

somewhat like children when you are hungry I can not speak of Trevor but I do believe that you are much more than some what like a child must I recall the events of eatting dinner at Wendy's in C'ville.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that the next thing that he is going to start carrying around is a picture of me.

Anonymous said...

Ol gray guy...he has what the ycall albinism.

Anonymous said...

OR he has had a hard life....ahahahahah Those brown eyes only make him half and half.