Saturday, October 28, 2006

Feeding the Ducks

There is a little pond near our house were tons of geese and ducks live. Until now I didn't think that Ellis would really be interested in them. This morning we decided to go over and see what he thought. I think most people would probably take bread crumbs with them but we took what I like to call cheesey fingers. I called my mom last week for a simple snack recipe and she sent me Zesty Cheese straws. I srewed it up royally and we ended up with these little orange lumps that I thought the ducks would just love.
Upon the fist few tosses I thought I wasn't going to be able to even get them to eat them but they warmed right up. I'm not sure what Ellis thought of the ducks I think he wouldv'e done a little better if he had a hat or some shades with him.

The trees are turning pretty here. It is my favorite time of year. At first I was a little worried about moving here because I needed to know that we would have orange and red trees.....well here they are!!

I just loved this picture so I thought I would add the nursery again!!

This is something new. We turn over the laundry basket and he walks all over the place. When he runs into something and he cant go anymore he screams really loud until we fix it.


Anonymous said...

Who needs to buy him a push toy for his birthday to help him learn how to walk! Mamaw will be so dissapointed. So I guess her next choice is something that makes music. Don't go move it for him...let him problem solve so when he gets to preschool his teacher won't say that he needs to work on that area. You will all have it mastered. LOL

Anonymous said...

The trees are beautiful. Sure does make you appreciate those WV hills doesn't it. We have more leaves in our front yard this year that we had in our whole yard in WI for six years. Makr sure tht Ellis knows that gammy's favorite birds are Canadian geese. Love 'em but boy can they poop a mean streak!