Friday, June 02, 2006

I know I have already said this but Ellis loves his daddy. Whenever Trevor is home he really does watch whatever he is doing. Tonight we had tacos and I was playing with Ellis while Trevor was browning the meat. Well I guess I should say that I was trying to play with Ellis. The only thing Ellis wanted to do was sit on the counter and watch what Trevor was doing. If Trevor is eating Ellis wants to eat too, and not just anything but what Trevor is eating. In the picture it was a tuna sandwich but Ellis had to be happy with a few cheerios. I just think it is so funny, I mean does he already know that he is a boy and he is supposed to do what the boys are doing??

I have to say though that I have been able to get him to really laugh at me now. Before we could only get him to laugh really hard at people he didn't know but now he finally laughs at us. Today he was sitting up and I was shaking his lion and elephant car seat toys that his cousin Aria got for him and he couldn't stop laughing. He also really likes to play a little game with me where we look out the window and I say "do you see...a bird, mommy sees a bird. do you see...grass, mommy sees grass." I don't know if it is the voice that I use or just that he is looking outside but it is one of his favorite games right now. Another of his favorites is something that Mamaw reminded me of the other night when I talked to them on the phone. Forebinder, Eyewinker, Nosedropper, Moutheater, Chinchopper, Get you in the belly. He starts laughing usually around Moutheater.

Ellis does so well adjusting to all of the different activities for the youth group. Every other Friday night he is out at least 2 hours past his bed time and then on Sundays who knows if he will get a nap or when he will get to bed. I couldn't tell you how many people hold him either but he just smiles at each new person he gets passed to. This little girls name is Alynne and she LOVES Ellis. Her parents are both sponsers so she and her brother come to nearly all of our events. Ellis has become Alynne's own personal doll baby. She is only six and I try to make sure she sits when she holds him but that doesn't always happen. Tonight she told me that he told her that he wanted to get back in his stoller so she was putting him back "but don't strap him in Miss Cassie because I'm going to get him back out in just a second"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just started doing get ya in the belly with the little girl I babysit for and she loves it too. that last picture is so funny he looks like he needs to go see a man about a horse.